Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Joint League runs new Summer Individual Tournament, open to ALL!

Delighted to be fostering local chess across the Coventry-Leamington area, in parallel with celebrating Coventry's City of Culture 2021 celebrations!

The Coventry & Leamington Online Chess League (CLOCL) will be running its inaugural 2021 Summer Individual Rapidplay Tournament, following a very successful Spring League with 30 Local teams across 3 Divisions! This is a joint Coventry League & Leamington League event.

This will be an individuals' competition, instead of a team event. The tournament will begin on Tuesday 8th June, with the deadline for entries in one week's time (Monday 7th June).

There is a hybrid (online/in-person) element to this; if two players wish to play their 7.30pm fixture for a particular evening over-the-board, at a mutually agreed location, in line with the latest Government's Covid Regulations, then we encourage this. The Joint League, is happy to support efforts to return to over-the-board chess, where the Law allows!

Games will be every Tuesday at 7.30pm.

Entries can be taken here: [https://tinyurl.com/CL2021SRT] (If there are technical problems, please email us.)

Current Entries may be found here: https://tinyurl.com/CL2021SRTresults

Entry Cost: FREE

Eligibility: This is open to any player/individual involved in the Coventry League or Leamington League past/present, or live across the general area (roughly greater Warwickshire plus a little beyond?!).

Platform: Lichess (Free to register with an email address). (A previous guide created by myself & Richard B, for using Lichess for a previous event, may be found here: https://tinyurl.com/lichessguide)

(Separately,  there is also information about the CL & LL Junior Summer Cup 2021, for juniors in 3-player teams, for clubs/schools, or even groups of friends, playing online. So, if you / your juniors' club / school / friends, may be interested in this, then details may be found here: https://tinyurl.com/CLJuniorSummerCupEntry  It will begin at the end of June [23rd].)

Thank you all, for supporting local chess across the Coventry and Leamington area, and beyond.